These bags recently arrived. Quick pictures taken and for those of you who like the Delightful, I took a few more of this bag so you can see how it falls when carried and the size too. This is the MM size, a little on the large side in my opinion but you can see how it looks when carried on someone petite like me, 49kgs and 5 feet tall., then decide whether you want this size or the PM. Personally, for myself I would choose the PM because it would be more proportionate to my frame. You can see from the first picture that the Delightful MM it is slightly bigger than the Neverfull MM. The MM would be great for on-the-go mommies, people with files/folders/laptops/drawings - that sort of thing. For regular folks like me, the PM suffices. :o)

To preorder any Louis Vuitton, please read the preorder advertisement at the top of this site.
To preorder any Louis Vuitton, please read the preorder advertisement at the top of this site.
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